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Acid Reflux
Changes in eating habits and finding triggering foods are the nutritional side of our treatment. Furthermore, manipulation of the stomach and spinal alignment also relieves the symptoms and causes, alleviating pain and discomfort.
Almost everyone has experienced acid reflux, or heartburn, at least once. If the acid reflux occurs more than twice a week, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is usually diagnosed. Acid reflex affects all ages. The ease of treatment depends upon the cause. Acid reflux often lasts two hours or more, and is made worse by lying down or after eating a large meal. Although it is also known as heartburn, it does not have anything to do with the heart.
What is Acid Reflux?
Acid reflux is a burning sensation felt around the lower chest or stomach area. The burning sensation can continue all the way up into the throat. Acid reflux symptoms are frequently noticed after eating a large or spicy meal. It occurs when acids of the stomach flow back into the esophagus. This results in indigestion, a burning sensation, and sometimes regurgitation. Usually acid reflux does not cause serious complications.
The Causes of Acid Reflux.
There are several causes of acid reflux, and a number of conditions which contribute to developing acid reflux. One of the most common causes of acid reflux is a Hiatal hernia. In this condition, a portion of the stomach normally located in the abdominal cavity pushes through the esophageal opening and remains lodged in the chest cavity. Another cause of acid reflux is pregnancy. Rapid weight gain, certain medications, and GERD all can cause acid reflux. Spices, chocolate, fried foods, tomato sauces, and carbonated beverages can trigger acid reflux. Abnormal curvature of the spine and weak back muscles can impact acid reflux.
The Symptoms of Acid Reflux
The symptoms of acid reflux may vary in severity. The main symptom of acid reflux is the burning sensation centering in the abdominal area, which can radiate all the way up to the throat. Burping and hiccuping, regurgitation, a sour taste in the mouth, sore throat, and even wheezing are all signs of acid reflux. It is important to not confuse the symptoms of a heart attack with those of acid reflux, since there are similarities.
The Treatment of Acid Reflux
Lifestyle changes are often suggested in combination with chiropractic intervention. Recommended modifications include eating several smaller meals each day instead of three large meals, avoiding carbonated drinks and spicy foods, and being aware of what foods trigger acid reflux. Treatment may focus on correction of spinal misalignment.
Chiropractic management of Hiatal hernias is often highly effective in reducing or eliminating acid reflux. The stomach can be carefully manipulated back through the esophageal opening and below the diaphragm, where it belongs. Correct spinal alignment is also important for nerve supply to the stomach. If the smooth muscles of the stomach are too tight, with stress and anxiety also contributing, manipulation of the lower esophageal sphincter muscles also often reduces acid reflux.
Your chiropractor may suggest a customized diet and weight loss plan in conjunction with the other treatments. Often, the chiropractic adjustments correct and eliminate acid reflux.
This is usually an indicator of an underlying problem whose diagnosis is prioritized. Exercises and activities for better balance can help reduce intensity while the root cause is treated.
Dizziness is a common condition characterized by a brief inability to orient oneself. Individuals who suffer from dizziness often experience disequilibrium or a sense of being off-balance. If you have short periods of instability, occasionally feel faint or in danger of falling, you may be suffering from dizziness.
What is Dizziness?
Dizziness generally describes two types of spatial disorientation. The first type is defined by perceiving surrounding objects as if they are spinning or in motion, and the second describes when an individual is feeling faint or light-headed. These forms of dizziness have different causes and treatment, so it’s important to recognize how they differ. The medical term Vertigo generally describes the former condition.
The Causes of Dizziness
Dizziness is not a disease but a common carryover effect of other medical issues. There is no specific source that directly causes dizziness. However, it can be linked to various common ailments such as migraines and tension headaches. It is common to experience dizziness when taking certain medications or after consuming alcohol. Drops in blood pressure or blood volume, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), dehydration, heat stroke, ear infection, and low iron (anemia), and accumulation of fluid in the ear can precipitate symptoms of dizziness. Sudden moments of disequilibrium such as sitting down or standing up too quickly can also result in dizziness.
The Symptoms of Dizziness
Symptoms of dizziness can range from mild to severe depending on the underlying cause or the condition it accompanies. Symptoms include, but are not limited to unsteadiness and loss of balance, lightheadedness, motion sickness, and feeling as though you are woozy or floating. Patients with severe cases of dizziness may suffer from nausea or vomiting. On its own, dizziness is quite common and most individuals only experience them briefly. You should contact your health care provider immediately if you experience dizziness repeatedly or with serious injuries such as hearing loss, chest pain, vomiting, or a head injury.
The Treatment of Dizziness
As dizziness is not a disease, treatment for the issue primarily focuses on fixing the underlying cause. Dizziness caused by migraines and headaches is generally managed by taking pain medicine. Dizziness due to heatstroke or dehydration can be resolved by drinking water or other hydrating fluids. Vertigo-related dizziness such as dizziness brought about by Benign Positional Vertigo (BPV) is not curable. However, certain activities such as yoga have been known to help improve balance and assuage symptoms. If you suffer from frequent bouts of dizziness, you should find a safe place to lie down or rest until the symptoms pass. Maneuvering while dizzy or unbalanced increases your chance of falling and injuring yourself.
Constipation is an annoying problem that most us will all face at least once in our lives. It occurs when our bowel movements are hard and we are unable to empty our bowels as regularly as we need too. When this happens, it becomes more difficult to pass stool and the cycle can continue to worsen.
Changes to diet, routines, and habits are starting points for constipation treatment. Stool softeners and laxatives are also used for more severe cases. If unsolved, physicians perform an extensive diagnosis to find the root.
What is Constipation?
Constipation is defined as bowel movements that are hard, difficult to pass and less frequent than normal. Although the frequency of bowel movements varies from person to person, constipation is specifically defined as fewer than three bowel movements per week. Severe constipation is considered as less than one bowel movement per week. Constipation can also be defined as very hard stools that cause significant pain to pass or inability to empty your bowels when you do have a bowel movement.
The Causes of Constipation
Constipation can be caused by a large number of different reasons. One major contributor to constipation is medication. Narcotic pain medications, such as Percocet or morphine are major causes, however antidepressants, iron supplements and calcium channel blockers have also been known to cause this.
Our daily habits and diet are also major factors in causing constipation. When you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, and you suppress it, this can lead to decreased urges and ultimately, constipation. Our diets also contribute hugely do this and if we eat a low fiber diet, we are likely to have fewer, looser, bowel movements.
Although rarer, certain disorders have been associated with constipation. These include irritable bowel syndrome, hypothyroidism, or pregnancy.
The Symptoms of Constipation
The main symptom of constipation is infrequent bowel movements, normally less than three per week. Symptoms can also include hard, painful feces and having to strain and push when having a bowel movement. Other symptoms are the feeling of not being able to empty your bowel, abdominal pain and abdominal distension.
The Treatment of Constipation
The main constipation treatment is treating the underlying cause of the constipation. If constipated, there are several different techniques to try to fix the issue. A simple diet change of drinking more water and eating more fiber can help lubricate the colon and harden the stool. This can be done by increasing fruit and vegetable intake as well as eating high fiber cereals. Stool softeners and laxatives are also available to help reduce constipation. If these techniques fail, call your physician and ask for advice.
An ear infection is a medical condition commonly experienced by children during which fluid trapped in the ear causes varying degrees of discomfort. Although they are a frequent occurrence in youths, anyone of any age can develop an ear infection. If you are experiencing sharp ear pain, dizziness, or continuous ear drainage, you may have an ear infection.
Normally non-prescription pain medication and decongestants or ear drops are recommended. If symptoms worsen, treatment through antibiotics is performed.
What Is an Ear Infection?
Ear infections are viral or bacterial infections that affect the middle ear, which is located beneath the eardrum. Most patients who suffer from ear infections will experience pain due to inflammation of the middle ear. Ear infections are sorted into two types: chronic and acute. Acute ear infections are uncomfortable and often painful, but temporary. Chronic or reoccurring ear infections do not disappear and can result in damage to the inner ear.
The Causes of Ear Infections
Ear infections occur when bacterial or viral infections cause swelling in the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the throat cavity. Inflammation in this region prevents air from reaching the area behind the eardrum, and it fills with fluid, mucus, and other irritants. Because the Eustachian tubes are swollen, fluid in the middle ear gets trapped and can’t drain out naturally. The trapped fluid encourages viral and bacterial growth and causes infection. Colds, allergies, sinus infections, and influenza are common illnesses during which ear infections easily develop.
The Symptoms of Ear Infections
Pain and discomfort are the most common symptoms of ear infections. Patients who suffer from the condition may also feel pressure or a weight in the ear. Other symptoms include thick or pus-like drainage that lasts for a few days. Young children with ear infections may develop fevers or vomit. In severe cases, patients may experience acute earaches or even hearing loss. Excessive pressure in the middle ear can result in eardrum perforation (rupture). However, the ruptured eardrum will heal on its own once the infection has subsided. Patients with perforated eardrums may experience sudden decrease or increase in ear pain, hearing loss, or vertigo.
The Treatment of Ear Infections
Most ear infections can be treated with over-the-counter medication or will clear up without medical assistance. You can take non-prescription pain medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce inflammation of the middle ear. Nonprescription decongestants or ear drops can also alleviate the symptoms of an ear infection. If your symptoms persist or worsen, a doctor will most likely write you a prescription for antibiotics.
Constantly suffering from migraines and headaches is not normal, and although over the counter painkillers may provide temporary relief, a better understanding of these conditions may provide a long-term solution for living headache and migraine free.
Treatment is recommended after careful diagnosis according to thepatient. Common treatments include light alignment and adjustments, relieving nerve pressure, and changes in diet and habits.
What are Headaches and Migraines?
Headaches and Migraines are not synonymous terms. Headaches are pain and discomfort in the head, while migraines are typically felt on one side of the head. Tension headaches feel as though there is an elastic band around your head, creating pressure and pain. Migraines are characterized with sharp pain, blurred vision, dizziness, and sensitivity to light.
The Causes of Headaches and Migraines
Headaches and Migraines may be caused by lifestyle conditions such as eating particular foods, dehydration, or a lack of nutrients. If your suffer from frequent headaches and migraines, the cause may also be attributed to alignment of the body.
When the body is out of alignment due to repetitive strain, posture, and developmental issues, pressure is placed on nerves causing muscles to tighten, and ultimately triggering a sharp pain to the head.
The Symptoms of Headaches and Migraines
The symptoms of a headache typically include sensations of tightness and pressure, tenderness, and dull aching pain. Headaches are typically an annoying disturbance causing irritability, but do not entirely impair an individual’s ability to function.
Symptoms of a migraine however, are more severe. Migraines typically include pounding sharp pains on one side of the head. The intensity of this pain causes symptoms such as blurred vision, sensitivity to light, vomiting, sensitivity to sound, lightheadedness, and irritability.
The Treatment of Headaches and Migraines
If you’re experiencing chronic headaches and migraines, a chiropractor can assess your condition and determine the treatment best for you.
If the cause of the condition is bodily alignment, a chiropractor will adjust the alignment of the body. Adjustments are non-invasive treatments that provide immediate relief by relieving pressure on the nervous system. Adjustments also promote long term physical health, and prevention of future headaches and migraines.
If the condition is related to lifestyle, the chiropractor will provide an assessment of common triggers such as diet and physical activity and prescribe accordingly.
Everyone has experienced some form of tingling or numbness. You might fall asleep in an awkward position, hold your arm out in the same place for too long, or sit the wrong way. When you move, you find your arm is numb or tingly. It’s fallen asleep.
When your arm falls asleep, it can be a little painful and very annoying, but numbness can also be a very serious problem. We rely on our ability to sense touch and to sense pain to navigate life. Without it, we can have trouble doing everyday tasks like walking or using our hands.
What is Numbness?
When our body parts go numb, we usually feel it in one of two ways. It can come with a tingling sensation, sometimes called pins and needles, that overrides our other senses, and you experience a lack of feeling altogether.
Your body experiences the sense of touch and pain through nerves. For example, the nerves in your hands experience the sensation of touch when they encounter something. The nerve sends the signal through your arm, to your spinal cord, and into the brain. Your brain processes the signal, and you experience the sense of touch. Numbness comes from any disruption in that process.
The Causes of Numbness
The most common cause of numbness is a pinched nerve. When you wake up from that awkward sleeping position, and your arm is completely numb, your sleeping position pinched the nerve until you lost feeling in your arm. Fortunately, that kind of numbness is temporary. All you need to do is move your arm to restore feeling.
A pinched nerve can be a long-term problem, too. When the bones in your body are not in perfect alignment, they can pinch the nerve. This isn’t just a spinal problem. It can happen anywhere in the body from the neck down to the toes.
Other medical conditions can cause numbness. Metabolic conditions, like diabetes, can cause someone’s extremities to go numb. Brain injury, like a stroke, can also cause numbness.
If you feel numbness that doesn’t go away after a few minutes, you should contact your chiropractor to get an evaluation. You don’t want to leave a problem untreated.
The Treatment of Numbness
A chiropractor is the best option to treat a pinched nerve. Your chiropractor will evaluate the entire nerve pathway from the affected body part, through the spine, and into the head to ensure the nerves are working correctly. You may receive a spinal adjustment to correct alignment problems in your back and neck.
Many people assume that a chiropractor focuses only on the spine, but your chiropractor will also examine the alignment of the bones extending out from the spine as well. If your hand is numb, your practitioner will ensure the neck, shoulder, arm, and wrist are aligned correctly.
For other conditions that cause numbness, your chiropractor will often administer spinal adjustments as well as muscle stimulation.
The Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve
Pinched nerve pain can feel like a pinching or burning sensation. Occasionally this pain may radiate outward. Other symptoms of a pinched nerve include a tingling “pins and needles” sensation (known as paresthesia), muscle weakness in the affected area, or a frequent feeling that a foot or hand has “fallen asleep”.
Hamstring injuries are both common and painful and often occur as a result of playing sports. Hamstring strains can range in severity- from mild to severe. Chiropractic care for a pulled hamstring includes building musculature strength in the hamstrings and surrounding muscles, increasing the range of motion of the thigh, and breaking up scar tissue.
Treatment is performed through relieving pressure on the muscles and surrounding nerves, promote muscular and spinal health, and improve overall health. Deep tissue procedures, increasing soft tissue motion, and small adjustments relieve pain, break up scar tissue, and restore muscle tone.
What is a Pulled Hamstring
The hamstring is composed of a group of four muscles that run along the back of the thigh. It is the muscle group that allows the leg to bend at the knee. If your hamstring muscles become overloaded during an activity, the muscle can become strained and might even begin to tear, resulting in a pulled hamstring.
The Causes of a Pulled Hamstring
Pulled hamstrings are a common sports injury and often occur in sports that involve sprinting and sudden stops. Sports more likely to result in an injury include soccer, basketball, football, and tennis. Runners and dancers are also more likely to suffer a pulled hamstring.
In addition to sudden movements, the failure to properly warm up the muscles prior to exercising can also lead to a pulled hamstring. Similarly, poor flexibility and range of motion can strain the hamstrings. Inflexible muscles may not be able to bear the full force of the sudden movements required during certain activities. Tight quadriceps (the muscles in the front of the thigh) and weak glutes can also overload the hamstrings and result in a sprain.
Prior injury to the muscle can also lead to reinjuring the hamstrings. Once you’ve had one hamstring injury, you are more likely to have another one. A reinjured hamstring is more likely to occur if you resume activities at pre-injury levels before the strained muscles have had a chance to heal and rebuild strength.
The Symptoms of a Pulled Hamstring
Pain from a pulled hamstring can vary in severity. A mild hamstring strain may not hurt too much while more severe strains can make it impossible to walk or stand. At the time of injury, people can experience sudden and severe pain during exercise. Sometimes a popping or snapping feeling occurs. Pain from a pulled hamstring can occur when walking, running or even bending over. The pain is felt in the back of the thigh and lower buttocks. Swelling, tenderness or bruising may also result from a pulled hamstring.
The Treatment of a Pulled Hamstring
Chiropractic treatment of a pulled hamstring can help relieve pressure on the muscles and surrounding nerves, promote muscular and spinal health, and improve overall health. With the help of deep tissue procedures, chiropractic care can increase soft tissue motion of the hamstrings and surrounding musculature. Adjustments can also free up joint motion of the lumbar spine. Chiropractic care can include ultrasound and elective muscle stimulation which can break up scar tissue and restore muscle tone.
Sprained ankles are very common, but if not treated properly can lead to decreased mobility of the joint and development of arthritis. While many sprains are minor and can be treated by applying heat and cold, you may still want to seek out the advice of a chiropractor.
Chiropractic adjustments are effective at reducing and curing sprained ankle pain. Treatment includes an exercise and stretch plan to help recover faster. Massages can increase blood flow as well which speeds up the natural healing process.
What are Sprained Ankles?<br />
A sprained ankle happens when you roll, twist, or turn your ankle in an awkward and unnatural way. This can cause your ligaments that hold your ankle bones together to stretch or tear. A sprained ankle that is left untreated, or engaging in activities to soon after spraining your ankle can lead to chronic pain, joint instability, and early onset of arthritis.
The Causes of Sprained Ankles<br />
A sprained ankle occurs when a joint capsule or ligament becomes stretched beyond its normal range of motion. In a severe sprain, this could cause a tear in the ligament. Falls, landing awkwardly after jumping or pivoting, and walking or exercising on uneven surfaces all create conditions in which you could potentially sprain your ankle. You are more likely to suffer a sprained ankle if you have had prior ankle injury or if you participate in sports.
The Symptoms of Sprained Ankles<br />
Once you sprain your ankle you will feel immediate pain and discomfort in the area. Swelling and sometimes bruising will soon follow, accompanied by a restricted range of motion. If the pain is severe you may have a fracture or broken bone and should seek medical care immediately.
The Treatment of Sprained Ankles<br />
Many people associate chiropractors with spine and neck problems, but they are trained and able to treat problems in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems throughout the entire human body.
Depending on the severity of the sprain and the amount of pain, chiropractic adjustments are effective at treating ankle pain. There are also at home exercises your chiropractor may recommend to keep motion in the ankle. Another benefit to seeing a chiropractor is that they can treat lower and mid-back pain caused by the use of crutches, if you are required to use them for proper healing.
Vertigo is a condition marked by dizziness and living with it can make day-to-day tasks a struggle. It can be difficult to get information on what is causing your vertigo and what the best treatment options are. This article will help you understand vertigo and discuss how chiropractic care can help you find relief.
One of the causes of vertigo is the misalignment of the vertebrae in the neck. After athorough diagnosis, a set of adjustments and treatments are recommended for the patient. These include few adjustments, anti-inflammatory medication, and the Epley Maneuver.
What is Vertigo?<br />
Vertigo is the sensation of spinning or dizziness. The world will feel as if it is spinning around you. There are different causes of vertigo and they can be defined depending on if the cause is peripheral or central. Central causes arise in the brain or spinal cords, whereas peripheral causes are due to problems within the inner ear.
The Causes of Vertigo<br />
Inflammation in the inner ear can happen because of illness, or small crystals or stones that are normally found within the ear being displaced. This causes irritation to the tiny hairs within the canals leading to benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
Meniere’s disease is vertigo associated with hearing loss and tinnitus that is caused by buildup of fluid within the inner ear. It is not understood what causes the buildup of fluid. Some other causes of vertigo include:
- A head injury that damages the inner ear
- Severe migraines and tension headaches
- Lack of blood flow to the brain
- Misalignment of the vertebrae in the neck
Vertigo can also be caused by certain medications including antidepressants, aspirin, anti-seizure medications, and blood pressure medications. High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and smoking can also increase your risk of developing vertigo.
The Symptoms of Vertigo
Vertigo can be a small nuisance or an indication of a more severe underlying medical condition. Dizziness is not the only symptom of vertigo. Other symptoms include blurry vision, problems hearing, difficulty focusing, ringing of the ears, trouble keeping balance, feeling fatigued all the time, nausea, and double vision.
The Treatment of Vertigo
Chiropractic treatment of vertigo is gentle and begins with a complete evaluation of the individual to determine the exact cause. Many times all it takes is a few simple adjustments to stabilize to the nervous system and cure vertigo.
The Epley Maneuver may also be part of the treatment plan for vertigo. This method clears the debris that has settled in the vestibulocochlear apparatus that is responsible for balance. Buildup of debris in the vestibulocochlear apparatus can cause symptoms of vertigo. In the cases of vertigo due to an ear infection or inflammation within the inner ear, you may need antibiotics, steroids, or anti-inflammatory medication.
“Kind, patient and professional staff. From the front desk to the doctors, this staff makes trips to the office nearly pain free. Doctors are skilled in various treatments to alleviate chronic and traumatic injuries. If you have hesitated to seek chiropractic care in the past, come meet these doctors and ask them how they can treat you.“